
Welcome to Outlook Heathenry!

In 2013, after being Heathen/Asatru for 7 years, I created the American Asatru Association. It’s goal was to make a safe space outside of racism, and bullying for Heathens to learn and discuss online. It expanded into supporting Heathen artists, and helping Heathens across the US find each other. We incorporated in 2016, with the help of over 140 members world wide (more than 10% the AFA had claimed, and 20% of The Troth). We reached via social media over a quarter million people a month. Raised thousands of dollars – and gave every cent to charities. I published a Havamal for military members. In 2017, it closed. Due to lack of commitment from staff (unofficial and official), I shuttered it in May 2017. Heathenry doesn’t need proselytizing, or organizations. What it needs is a return to what Heathenry truly is:

Tribe – Kindred – Family

So who am I to teach you about this? My name is Matthew Barker. Born and raised in Florida. Raised in a lacks Christian household (Methodist), I dabbled in New Age and Eastern religion, studied others, followed a few.

I have called myself Heathen (American Asatru). I left that path in 2017 and 2018 was baptized into the Anglican Church. I left the church in 2019. I have called myself Wicca from 2003-2006. I have studied Islam, Oomoto, Humanistic Buddhism, Zen Buddhism Tibetan Buddhism, and various forms of Christianity. What do I call myself now? A Tribal Polytheist. Asatru in America is as varied as it was a millennia ago in Europe. Heathens today refuse academic knowledge of ancient Heathens, bogged down by hold-over beliefs from Christianity, and Wicca.

I was asked for years to teach, and when I did, people scoffed. Supporters balked, friends disappeared, support faltered. I will pick up the staff again and try again to help those in need.

No fluff.
No remorse.
Just learning.


6/30/2019 – I am updating this page. Havamals are still available for purchase. Will be doing insight into concepts online Heathenry and modern romanticized history has chosen to forget. Valhalla for one.


Groups that support 14/88 and W.O.T.A.N.ism ideals are not welcome in my home, or online space(s). I signed Declaration 127 under the American Asatru Assocation, then under rebranding (with permission) as The American Heathen. I still hold that oath.